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Responsible Gun Ownership

We are fast approaching the first Anniversary of Jan 6, 2021; supporters of the attack say that they wanted to “Stop the Steal.” A bunch of them were equipped with weapons like handguns; some even had semiautomatic weapons. Was this a legitimate use of the Second Amendment (to overthrow a tyrannical government)? I know there are different opinions, but revolution was one of the main purposes of the Second Amendment! But what about suicides, murders, and mass shootings? Does the Second Amendment also allow and protect these widespread events in our country?

In the ensuing days, in April 2021, a man attacked the Capitol Hill premises and killed a security guard using his car as a weapon! True, cars can be used as a weapon and hence there are strict rules as to who can drive a car; the skills, physical and mental capabilities are considered while issuing a license.

If an instrument is controlled because it can be used as a weapon, why not control an instrument which is a weapon in itself and will be used none other than as a weapon? It can definitely be done. Below are some of the high level measures which will legalize weapons like guns the same way cars are legalized on the roads.

  1. License

A vast majority of Americans need to carry a gun for self protection, hunting, or leisure sports like going to the shooting range. For this purpose, a small, manual, low-capacity weapon is what they need. A license on the lines of a non-commercial class C driving license can be issued to those individuals. This includes taking the necessary training and passing the required tests (which won’t necessarily include a mental competency test, as self protection is everyone’s right). The license must be renewed every two years.

Another class of citizens, including private security guards and law enforcement authorities need to procure a commercial class A or B equivalent license (Driving license classifications). Issuance of this type of license allows the individual to carry semi-automatic weapons including assault rifles. Requirements for this type of license are more rigorous. These will include background checks and mental competency testing, and such weapons will be issued to people who can show the need to carry them.

  1. Registration

Just like a car is registered every year or after a sale, for either operation or non-operation, a gun needs to be registered in the state. It will carry a small fee, but the intent is to keep a track of legal ownership. Every newly manufactured gun should carry a serial number, just like a car.

  1. Proper storage

Just like a car is locked and kept in a parking spot or garage when not in use, a gun needs to be stored under lock and key when not in use. This will help avoid misuse by a person who is not authorized to use the weapon. Requirements to have fingerprint detection on a gun to unlock are another measure to keep the guns in safe hands.

  1. Insurance

Every gun owner must carry liability insurance, a minimum of $50,000. This will instill responsible gun ownership. San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo had proposed such an insurance requirement earlier this year (San Jose gun liability insurance). Guns used as self protection will be deemed like a no-fault incident.

These simple measures will protect the rights of law-abiding gun owners and keep our streets, malls, theaters, churches, schools and the entire country safe.

Iceland, a gun-loving country much like the US, has implemented similar measures to the ones stated above and has not seen a gun fatality since 2007. (Safe, Gun-loving Iceland)


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