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Showing posts from 2020

Human extinction

A lot of fiction novels, sci-fi movies, and even religious mythologies have predicted End of the World. Variety of causes including a deluge, super volcano, asteroids, devastating natural disasters, pandemics and war could be blamed for this annihilation.  While the Earth went through multiple rounds of destruction of the entire life like the Great Dying and End of the Dinosaur Era, how plausible is a similar situation in the modern world? With the technological power that humankind has now, any natural disaster causing a total destruction, looks a little far fetched! Even a worldwide pandemic as we experienced this year, one of the possible causes of apocalypse, is far from causing the amount of destruction that could be considered apocalyptic.  The pandemic did affect all the countries, but the total number of infections is about 1% of the world population, while only about 0.02% perished in the disease so far. Compare that to the pandemics of the previous centuries, where 1...

My Florida Memoirs

“What did you expect about America that wasn’t true?” It was a loaded question; Brian wanted to ask me about the lifestyle, culture and the behavior of the people I met in my first 3-4 weeks of my stay in the USA. Brian was an employee of the client company that TCS deputed me to in Florida. I could not answer the question directly, but gave a political answer, “I expected skyscrapers in the USA, but here in Melbourne, I don't see structures taller than 2-3 stories”. Brian went on to become a good friend of mine. In fact, when my parents visited Niagara Falls, his father, a retired Buffalo city cop showed them around in his big Impala. Brian used to discuss how American history is bloody and how steak is the staple diet for all Americans during dinnertime. He had a couple of complaints about me, one that I can't truly pronounce a “w” and a “v” separately and that my English was more formal than his colloquial language. The day I landed in Melbourne was a cool winter day; yes ev...

Life after a Pandemic

Today marks the second anniversary of the availability of vaccines for COVID-19! What a tumultuous 3+ year period it was. The first phase of denials, followed by lockdowns, then partial reopenings, and a cautious sense of normalcy, marked the distinct phases of this pandemic. Everything changed after the vaccine was available though. Humanity had finally won the war against this invisible enemy. But it took more than 6 months for the vaccine to be made available to the general public, only doctors and healthcare workers got it in the first phase. After general availability though there was the same chaos which we experienced during early phases of the pandemic where people hoarded stuff, and essentials like disinfectant wipes were not available for months together. There was a beeline of folks wanting to get vaccinated. After about 4 months of patiently waiting, my family finally got the immunity through vaccination. A lot of things have changed during this journey forever. Man...

Human Aggression

Day 5 of my mandatory Working From Home (WFH)! My company followed suit of other area companies and mandated a 2-week WFH in the wake of COVID-19. At first, I thought no big deal; after all we are used to WFH in the tech industry, but for 1-2 days, not extended periods. Soon the reality is kicking in. You don’t get to see your colleagues at office and friends and relatives outside. Human beings are social animals and now I feel like we are self imprisoned, well I meant self quarantined! You cannot go to restaurants, theaters, malls, vacation; life appears to be at a standstill. And now the schools have decided to close too! The dark, gloomy, rainy weather is not helping either. If this is the mental state after just 5 days, imagine folks in Italy where the entire country is on lockdown and what about Wuhan where 11 million people are in quarantine for nearly two months! I am sure the initial 2 weeks of self quarantine can easily turn into 2 month long mandate by the autho...