Last month we vacationed in Cancun, Mexico. Like most vacationers in Cancun, we went on a pilgrimage to Chichen Itza, a complex of ruins from Mayan civilization. While appreciating the architecture and the grandiosity of the step pyramid, the Temple of the warriors and other structures there, and the fact that this complex was built some 800-1000 years ago, I realized that this complex was uncovered only in the 20th century. Much of the Mayan civilization and its creations were destroyed by the Spanish as part of their aggression in the 16th century. Felt bad about the destruction of such a highly sophisticated society at the hands of Europeans. On the tour, the tour guide, a man of Spanish descent, introduced us to a native Mayan who was also on the same bus. Apparently, only about 5% of Mexican population is native Mayan, rest of the population is of Spanish descent. The types of jobs done by native Mayan population are mundane, definitely not customer facing and naturally t...