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Showing posts from November, 2014

Safe Foods

To Eat or Not to Eat    In the World with so many different attributes attached to the food; low fat, trans fat, refined, antioxidants, organic etc.; no wonder it causes a lot of confusion for any person as to what is safe to eat and what is not. Studies after studies show how previous studies are faulty! How long should we wait to have the perfect study which is not invalidated by a future study? How can we guarantee that all studies related to food are over and it’s safe to eat the food prescribed by that infallible study? Not only are the researchers clueless, but so are the doctors! One of my friends’ doctor suggested that he should consume more protein and start eating beef. My friend is a Hindu Brahmin and his ancestors have not eaten beef for centuries (or maybe ever)! Speaking of ancestors; whether you praise or curse your lineage, the fact is you have just inherited their genes. Your body is geared towards eating the same type of food your ancestors have been ...